
Hey there!

Welcome to my portfolio where you’ll find some of my work in journalism, photography and copywriting.

Come On Out Japan Copywriting Internship

Come On Out Japan Copywriting Internship

Come On Out - eTEFL Packet

Come On Out has various programs, and one of them is eTEFL which means Teaching English as a Foreign Language. This is a thorough electronic packet informs readers about the benefits of pursuing a career as a TEFL Instructor. The packet provides insight of the industry and the career paths one can pursue. In closing, it mentions Come On Out eTEFL -- with the goal of having readers consider this teaching module for a certification. I produced all of the copy and organized it for the designer. To see the full PDF click here.


Traveling to Japan Blog Post - Not knowing the language

The following blog informs readers on what they need to know when traveling to Japan when they don’t know how to read or speak Japanese. Click here for the link to the full blog at the Come On Out - Japan website.


Japanese Etiquette Blog Post

A blog I wrote in collaboration with a fellow intern. Etiquette is paramount in Japanese culture and this blog covers some of the high points. Click here for the entire blog.


Come On Out Programs in Development Web Page

I produced the copy for the following web page informing visitors of programs in development at Come On Out - Japan. Click here to see the entire page.

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Seeing Through the Shrapnel - Tribal

Seeing Through the Shrapnel - Tribal

Love Detonates Radical Animosity - Tribal Network

Love Detonates Radical Animosity - Tribal Network